
Thursday, December 29, 2011



Tuesday, December 27, 2011



Monday, December 26, 2011

实话如下 转自北大的刘欢

你今天跟我说,出国的信念有点动摇,因为突然不知道出国是为了什么了,而且听在国外的学长说美国对金融工程的认可度越来越低。还有,你不喜欢编程,“最近觉得自己对咨询很感兴趣 而且相对于搞研究 我觉得我更擅长和人打交道 如果我真要干咨询的话 出国还有什么意义呢”。看到最后一句,我觉得这不是一句两句可以说清楚的,所以还是写一篇长点的多废话些吧。


我到这里了以后,最大的cultural shock是,这里的大部分人都在做自己喜欢做的事情,上自己喜欢的专业,有自己的兴趣爱好。记得刚来的时候和一个意大利人聊天,他问我到处hiking的时候有没有看到paraglider,我说我看到过,他就很兴奋的问我在哪里。原来他一年前拿到了flying license,之前在意大利的时候每周末都要和朋友一起飞的,现在在瑞士不知道哪里可以飞。碰巧我们一块的朋友里有另一个瑞士人听到了,他说他最近正在考license,于是两个情投意合的人就兴奋地聊起来了。其时我还是相当惊讶的,在我脑海里我不能把普通的大学生和paragliding联合起来。我的很多瑞士同学也让我时时感到诧异。我隔壁房间的男孩子是曾经的瑞士国家队的轻量级拳击队员,后来参加兵役荒废了一年之后不想再回去了,于是开始上大学。现在他大二,年龄跟我一样。我现在master项目的同学,曾经入选了瑞士击剑的国家队。后来交了女朋友,训练越来越苦,学习也越来越难,他自己衡量了一下,就退出了国家队。以前的我很难想象这些事情就会发生在自己的身边。这就是我要告诉你的第一点,出国后,你的生活就不再那么局限了,你的生活突然就多了无数的可能性。这些是你在国内很难做到的。





也许你现在还是云里雾里的,其实这个东西也不是一时半会儿就能想明白的。我最终没有去读金融工程,而是读了统计,原因是我对自己到底是不是要干金融实在是困惑了。我在这边也经常会和同学谈起这个问题,我不确定金融到底对人类有没有特别大的好处,因为it’s all about money. 如果我能做生物统计方面的工作,比如一些研究,那么我至少确定我现在在做的东西是对人类有益的,不是单纯地为了某几个人的个人利益,不是把我自己的高兴建立在别人的痛苦上。相信你也知道,在金融的世界里,总有人要为了你的获益买单,买单的人往往是平民。这就是我困惑的原因。你不喜欢编程,喜欢与人打交道,那就大胆的去追寻你自己想要的吧。如果你把目标设定成了咨询,那么不出国当然也有很大的发展空间,出国的好处在第一点里我也说明白了。我想告诫你的是,你还有大把的时间,没有必要去rush。很多人都急着早早把大学读完读研究生,把研究生读完就工作,工作了以后发现生活真TM无聊,还不如读书的时候呢,这样的人其实是失败的。要给自己多一些时间,没必要上赶着去找工作,也没必要怕自己嫁不出去随便找个人上赶着就嫁了。生活是要慢慢体会的,如果你在追向咨询的路上发现自己其实喜欢的并不是咨询,而是别的,如果你真的确定,那你就大胆地把方向改了,我们的时间还多的是呢。在自己真正擅长的、喜欢的事业上,我相信我们任何一个人都在短时间内就爆发出巨大的能量,达到巨大的成就。





Tuesday, December 20, 2011

road I traveled and mistook

hoihoi, dear,

hope you can effectively "listen to" me by gmail. quite important for
us, as analysis for our problems last week or earlier.

now I understand myself why i behave unconsciously in an
"against-Chris" "mean" way once my nerve is stirred by some of your
"not-meant-to-be-mean" reaction

this is " I'll desert you before you desert me" syndrome of mine.

this was taught by my past experience with my closest ones, papi,
mami. I must gain full independence, thus "desert" or throw away my
reliance on them before they leave me, even temporarily. I must get
myself prepared for any form of their "abandonment" even though I know
they love me emotionally, and they would never forever leave me.and
they will return back to me. I just need to endure.

This pattern broke down at my age of 16 to 17. As you know, at 15 or
16, I started my first "relationship" (which includes holding-hands
once) or precisely speaking, deeply emotional attachment to someone
else other than my parents, my "first love'. At first, this pattern
continued thanks to the similar kind of "long-distance" as we
experience in last 3 years. His school in the east end of city and
mine in the west end. This situation continued for almost one year. I
was actually fine with this as I expected, just like my relationship
to my parents, it is always there. Even if he did not see me for
months, and he contacted me less and less, I could be independent on
my own, I just needed to endure, the separation would end and we could
finally have our time together. But this time, time together was
never realized and I only received his "final good-bye" message after
1 year. And then, you know, I had all the depression problems and
finally escaped from Zhengzhou to Singapore. you know everything about
what happened after.

I would say, since then, since that "break-up"message at age of 16
to17, I am further convinced with the dictum " I'll desert you before
you desert me", which my mom also taught me long before with her own

Could you in any way link all the above to my strange behavior as you
described " yiqiao totally in another mood and another world" ?

To be honest, what happened last year around this time is exactly my
red-light full-alarmed self-protecting/defending preparation against
the worst scenario "losing you", with all the hint by you and
projection by me, which seemed so real as my experience at the age of
16 to 17 would repeat again in my life. Admittedly, this preparation
process includes transferring part of my emotion onto someone else
close by me, who was willing to accept everything about me. Now
looking back, this disastrous mistake deeply hurt the other one,
painfully hurt myself and constantly hurt you. This scar appears and
reappears whenever there is something disturbing between us and it
makes more turbulence and mistrust each time. I know, I am the one to
blame, responsible for all. So far, I am still terribly guilty of all
hurting to us and to him. i guess, this is another source of my
"occasionally" occurring depression.

Around this time of this year, every detail that can be recalled is
cruel enough to destroy any holiday mood. The same kind of
self-defending naturally bounced back when my fragile sense of
security in general is threatened ( surly not targeted at you). I
simply wanted most simply happiness and love without worries and
dispute or any form of threat. Once this is not achieve, my balance of
happy mood is broken and I automatically retreat into my own territory
of self protection. It seemed to be the way of survival for me, with
all its consequent hurting and depression. Now it is time to prove
myself that this is the wrong way.

When I repetitively ask you "will you marry me?", this is not a
forcing gesture to pull you, trap you into marriage immediately, but a
searching for sense of security on my own. But this frightens you. you
may not realize, I was just begging for some kind of reassurance that
my 16-17 experience will never come back again. If I am right, I only
asked you this when I am in "healthy" mood and willing to share,
without any shield of self defending. At that moment, I do hope I can
find the same level or even higher level of security in you than in my
parents, that I have "someone" who will always come back to me and
attend to me and who never forever leaves me even with all the
inevitable separating intervals in between. Then I find my home within

You can be assured to remove the doubt or idea that " I would like to
change partner for fun or I am now with you for fun" , just as you can
be assured that I never thought and never think " you are playful
"westerner" who is with me for fun and would abandon me in asia and
return back to your own land". Though I never told you, I never think
like that. My deepest fear lies in the possibility that someone you
cannot stand me anymore or stand the situation being together with me
and you quit. I know, this would possibly become true if I easily take
up my "self-defending" position against you or what's worst, as in
last year, transfer my emotion to someone else, which all are
engendered by aforementioned " I'll desert you before you desert me"
syndrome ( which I picked up when I was small). I know, this behavior
of mine only gives downward vicious cycling.

I want to change or rescue myself from " I'll desert you before you
desert me" syndrome- the most related to our relationship. Besides,
another destructive syndrome is "difficulty of giving up gratification
" (thus I cannot balance well )- most related to my own study and
future career. The latter syndrome mainly appears since I am in
Singapore, where I find gratification is so rare that I have to fully
indulge myself when it's passing by. The consequence is, I fail to
get myself out of one state even long after the last gratifying event
is over. I cannot competently face my next task. When I am forced to
get out by some violent force such as deadline of the next task, I am
depressed, stressed and in a terrible hurry. My assumption that
gratification is rare is wrong. I have many happy moments with you yet
still not gratified due to some hidden "bad mood" ( if you don't like
me to call it "depression"). I have been often in a starving state, in
hunger for gratification so that I could not really enjoy its taste
when it comes ( since I swallow the whole). In return, I elevate my
standard of gratification and gratification seemingly becomes rarer..

You have witnessed all the phenomena of above syndromes. now, you will
have to accept its causes, to accept part of current me as immature
and mentally unhealthy.. now I don't want to be haunted by these. To
get rid of some of them, I need your understanding and help. Of
course, first of all, I give all my trust and confidence in you, in
us. I don't question " you don't like me any more" any more. I might
still ask " will you marry me" from time to time as a way of searching
reassurance, but I know, my only reassurance is your love, our love

Is it a sweet Christmas gift, all my trust and confidence? Yet, you
are lying on bed behind me now, suffering from high fever. Therefore,
this mail seems never-ending.. I always have more to say

THE MOST important is, to get well please,dear. I can't do much for
your fever, but pray regardless of any religion.


Monday, December 5, 2011


若是你好 我便說好
像夢裡抱擁著睡袍 像羽絨蓋著羽毛
一起冬眠 然後到大清早
一覺便能到老 讓我們做到
簡單的人原是最開心的人 毫無難度

我要愉快 祝我愉快 請拖著我手
你要愉快 給你愉快 請拖著我手
但求像一塊木頭 不必比水晶球通透
別要走 直到天使會愛上木偶
別要走 讓你將我變作了木偶

用十塊磚 建造戲院
讓木偶有一段奇綠 讓眼睛接受眼緣
一生聰明 投入去造手卷
不會期求計算 是暖爐便暖
多心的人陪著要開心的人 如何如願

我要愉快 祝我愉快 請拖著我手
你要愉快 給你愉快 請拖著我手
但求像一塊木頭 不必比水晶球通透
別要走 直到天使會愛上木偶

Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Road less Travelled

The Road less Travelled

M.Scott Peck


The tendency to avoid challenge is so omnipresent in human beings that it can properly be considered a characteristic of human nature. But calling it natural does not mean it is essential or beneficial or unchangeable behavior. It is also natural to defecate in our pants and never brush our teeth . Yet we teach ourselves to do the unnatural until the unnatural becomes itself second nature. Indeed, all self-discipline might be defined as teaching ourselves to do the unnatural. Another characteristic of human nature-perhaps the one that makes us most human- is our capacity to do the unnatural, to transcend and hence transform our own nature.