
Monday, June 6, 2011

with H

这些年,如果数的出年份的话,一直求共鸣或者寄托,找到了frei otto的帐篷,werner sobek的轻质量盒子, 的生物形态建筑,Félix Candela的贝壳,对了 还有 的鸟蛋
Yq 7:35:58
这些人多是从结构角度出发 做建筑的
Yq 7:36:47
德,法,西班牙 背景
Yq 7:38:07
原以为欧洲的自由氛围能够模糊 现代化大生产模式下 专业分工的界限
Yq 7:38:38
Yq 7:41:13
现在身处其中,原来 那些跨越这个工业时代社会分工的挑战者仍是少数中的少数,有此精力才干天赋的且符合角色要求的更是少数
Yq 7:43:07
你介绍的这个 cecil Balmond 是其中一杰出代表,不过 他说“ When he was young and just starting his 33-year career at Ove Arup, he fell in love with the guitar. "I started playing classical guitar seriously at 22, and by the age of 30, it was too late - you couldn't become a classical professional," he sighs with regret. "So it's like the guitar. By the time I seriously found out what I wanted, I was in my mid-forties. To be an architect - well, maybe I should have thought about that in my twenties. I don't know."

Balmond puts on some Bach but continues talking over the rising strains of the music, his words clipped but perfectly enunciated. "I know there are some problems now, where I lose out on the ideas and they get taken and appropriated, but I have something deeper than the idea. They take the shape, maybe, but I've got something ahead of them, because structure for me is about the connection of ideas. I want to blaze a new path in the philosophy of structure. That's a bigger agenda than architecture, and I guess that's where I am."
Yq 7:44:40
不禁透漏 无奈的被动,却又执着坚守这份被动,上升之为哲学的精神,才可以高于艺术之名
Yq 7:45:29
Yq 7:46:26
时代需要 对专业角色的坚守
Yq 7:48:01
Yq 7:49:11
你说的这本书里的意思 一直触动着我的神经
Yq 7:49:34
我对这话题 快神经过敏了
Yq 7:50:27
希望这本书可以 帮我捅穿它
Yq 7:53:00
(另外,此书作者之前任职的公司,ove Arup,正是我之前实习的公司,本想在其中找线索寻答案,却只是纸面上的,真实的工程工作从0做起,没有做梦的余地)

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